Wednesday, August 5, 2020

No Tears; Just Part of the Craft!

On the way to a special purchase today, I was knitting along and the numbers were saying to me,
"There are too many stitches for you!"  When I did a bit of math in my head, I thought that
couldn't be right!  I tried it on when I got home, placing all of the bottom stitches on waste yarn so it would be an accurate fitting and it was 10+ inches too much around--I know baggy is comfortable but you could look right through one sleeve out the other-a bit too baggy! lol
I sat down and ripped it back to the ribbing.  Don't think about it, just do it.
It's a good thing this was a good knit!  I get to do it again already!
We took a morning trip south of us by 45 mins to pick up this beauty!
No, we aren't going to take up sailing--on the contrary, this will be grounded but good.
I've wanted an old boat we could 'sink' into the ground to make it stable for an imagination voyage for the grands!  As soon as we can agree on a place to plant this girl, we will work on putting up a mast and a sail!  Wouldn't you have loved to play in it!?
While looking the boat over this morning, I noticed this set of twin trees that have grown together-not an uncommon sight here but what was unusual was the base-
It has a tunnel through it!
I would plant a row of little fairies in there!
(and pull the weeds!)


  1. Oh I love that tree!! The boat is a very cool idea. Sorry about the sweater knitting...good thing you tried it on!

  2. Your sailboat idea is just too cool! We were down at the docks yesterday and I was just thinking how nice it would be to spend the night on a boat and just look at the stars all night. Boats are going for a small fortune up here right now as it's the one activity you can do with guaranteed social distancing. I've never seen so many in the water.
    Sorry about the ripping. I know just how that goes.

  3. Fabulous idea for the boat playhouse - simply brilliant!

  4. You have a good sweater attitude. You have to , to pursue big projects like that! Good for you

  5. How fun will that be. The boat, not the rekntiting! LOL

  6. Been there, done that! Far better to rip than make something you will never wear!

    That boat idea... those are some LUCKY grands! My brother and I had an tiny old trailer for a fort as kids, it's was a blast! (especially because it had bunkbeds!)

  7. I think the boat is a grand idea! How fun for your grandchildren.
    Reknitting isn't so bad. I don't think I'm ever going to complete this prayer shawl I'm working on. First I ripped it out and started an entirely new pattern. Then I had to take almost 8 inches off because I had counted wrong in two rows. Grrrr. So frustrating. Usually it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer to make something, but I really want Debbie to have this if she has to go through chemo.

  8. What a brilliant idea for the grands!!! Happy re-knitting. More value for your yarn dollar! :o))


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...