Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Done and Begun

The ribbed hat is now finished!  
I had a few false starts when doing the decreases for the crown 
but it sorted itself out to my satisfaction.

See what I mean?! 
 I liked the swirl this kind of decrease produced!
And a bonus to this kind of hat is that it is reversible!
I cut out the sashing strips for the four patches. 
 I NEVER chain piece the blocks on a single strip
 since it is not as accurate as cutting each piece of sashing to match the block measurement.  
Likewise, I NEVER just sew strips to the rows and cut off the end! 
 Just do a bit of math and figure out how long the strip should be
 and then cut them that length.  
This way, I pin the ends and center of the strip and then ease the middles evenly. 
 This results in a very accurate, stable and non-rippling strip!
It is easy enough to fold down the next row, lining up the vertical sashes. 
 Pins hold it all secure for sewing it in place.
 See how nicely they all line up this way and there is no going crazy in the process!


  1. The top of that hat looks like a starfish. :) Neutral sashing always does such a great job bringing cohesiveness to a quilt that is made of random colors.

  2. I had to figure out your technique the hard way with the hexie top. That's just how I managed to get those last rows on without losing my mind.

  3. Great hat.
    Those crazy four patches look nice with the calming blue sashing.

  4. The hat is fun and I love the swirl on top. Lke Marsel said, it does look like a starfish!

  5. That’s exactly how I sew sashing. It takes longer, but the results are more accurate. Great job on the hat.

  6. Very nice hat. My favorite of all your hats!! It will be worn well I'm sure

  7. What a great hat! I like the crown swirls too. :-)
    I wish I were a quilter. Maybe now that my back is better I could try again with some small quilts. I also wish I understood better exaxtly what you're saying about the sashing. That's where I always stumble. That and the borders.

  8. I am usually not so careful lining up with sashing, it's something I need to work on. Love the hat, I adore decreases that create detail.


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...