Saturday, August 22, 2020

A New Verse!

I found this yarn worked up faster than the LionBrand
even though they are both rated as #4 yarns!
I will finish the second mitten today and have a child's set to add to the box!
Daily line and wash flower--a Tulip.  
This concludes the calendar flower series.
I am trying a new kind of line and wash and hope to offer it to you tomorrow!

I had encouraging news from my Primary Card Physician yesterday;
he had done his homework prior to seeing me
and while he commended the Urgent Care staff, 
he found one more line of action between me and the hospital!
He found a medicine I can take on a daily basis that
I am not allergic to and that is very specific to deter UTI's!
In this present age of sanitizers,
he said to think of the new meds as Lysol for my bladder!
What a word picture! lol
I am so ready to feel well.


  1. Hurray for a proactive doctor! Praying this new medication works like a charm and that you’re feeling better SOON.

  2. How fantastic for you ! Thrilled . Finally !

  3. As long as he didn't tell you to drink Lysol...

  4. Nice, nice hat and mittens and drawing. I'm so glad that your doctor finally found something to help you. I echo what everyone else said. Hurray!!!!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!