Thursday, December 1, 2022


Yay for December first!
I have so many Christmas Cacti in bloom or just about in bloom!
  I love the shades of fuschia/pink/red against the green. 
 This plant lives in a big pot with a spider plant 
and they get along very well together!
It looks like a stage full of ballerinas!
I loaded the star quilt on the frame and should be able to get that quilted today and off the frame so I can load the completed QOV.
I did a lot of 'finishing' little projects like putting these resin/shark's teeth on clips so they can decorate some student bookbags!
And I used most of a skein of the coral yarn in gradations by Red Heart. (their newer yarns are so much softer than the old ones!) The blue hat is just some leftover yarn from the stash. 
 I have used up more than 2 dozen skeins of yarn!  
And then I visited HobbyLobby and bought 6 new skeins of yarn which will become more hats in very short order! lol
 I am in that place of using up the last of the acrylic yarn and what I have is a lot of (boring) solids which I will just have to put into my favorite formula for brimmed hats 
which is 40 rows hat side 1... 45 rows brim... 40 rows hat side 2! 
 Skein to hat in 35 minutes including tags ,
pom buttoms and poms!  



  1. What do you do with all the hats.
    Cheryl aka seajaes on Ravelry

  2. A stage of ballerinas is a great description for that pot of plants! Gorgeous. Cool job on the resin sharks teeth - some kids will be thrilled!!

  3. What a wild cactus. All mine are in recovery stage. I put them in a place that didn't get enough light over the summer, and they were all in rough shape by the time I realized. They are almost all getting new leaves though, so I have hope!

  4. You just have a lot of fun things going on. The Cactus (cacti??) are so very pretty!!!!

  5. The two plants are flourishing in the same pot. The star quilt is fabulous.

  6. Look at all those blooms! I can't help but think of my mom when I see them. Her laundry room was filled with Christmas cactus and they would bloom like crazy this time of year.
    That quilt looks so much bigger now that it's on the frame. I thought it was small but wow....that's a nice size.

  7. What lovely blooms! And what lovely projects you have accomplished. Love those hats!! You are a demon when it comes to making those. LOL

  8. That is a gorgeous cactus. So pretty with the spider plants. Your quilt will be so pretty on a bed. It's much larger than I first thought.
    But mostly, I'm so impressed by all of the hats. I need to get all of my yarn used up too. I would like some new too. :-) I'm curious too, what are you doing with all of the hats?
    Have a wonderful evening.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...