Saturday, December 17, 2022


This rescue orchid I bought last Januare is flourishing and even blooming again already!  The first time it had only 4 blooms and this time 6 will be the results BUT it has a second  and third stem with buds, maybe 7 more on them!   Dee, should I cut off the other stems or wait and see what happens?
These flowers are quite large --about 3" across!
 They are a deep salmon color!
As soon as I completed the quilting on this little lap quilt, Lena claimed it.  (Once the quilt is finished , meaning washed and dried, I do not let her lay on the quilts!) 
 I have the binding cut and will sew it on today.
I did a free motion series of water-ish lines over this one.
Throughout the day, I wataercolored these free to download tags.  (
There are two more hats in the donation pile! 
 (tagged and pom-pommed even!)


  1. We went to a nursery yesterday that goes all out for Christmas and their orchard room blew me away. I had no idea how many types and colors there were. I was tempted by a display of African Violets but came to my senses. I don't need another thing to care

  2. Those tags are precious! You just amaze me. And those hats are just adorable.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...