Monday, December 26, 2022


I made another flower petal dishcloth on the Sentro last night--I like it in the colors.  Since this has only 30 rows, it should be an easy project but the cotton yarn takes some extra handling so it is a slow machine knit but still very doable-especially when the results are fun and all of the little balls get used up!
Now here is a real slog!  I have finally finished the section of the body from the armholes to the hem!  I hope to breeze through the sleeves-I might just knit them in the round and graft them to the shoulders when I am done;  I don't look forward to hauling the body of the sweater around and around as I knit the sleeves!  At least the first fitting is good-I am looking forward to the blocking so the lacy yoke shows up better!  If the weather keeps in these below freezing numbers, I need to get it knit to wear sooner rather than later!


  1. Those are fun little scrubbies! I don’t remember…is this sweater the copper/spicy color it looks like on my screen or a different shade?

  2. What cute scrubbies!
    I did a double take when I saw your sweater. I just dug out my short sleeve cardi that looks exactly like your sleeveless one-even the color. I like it because it's like a shawl with sleeves and in this ridiculous cold having something on your shoulders all day is a must.

  3. What sweet little scrubbies. Very handy for sure. And I really like the color of the sweater. My mystery gift was a sweater for Mandy. I felt like I knit and knit and knit on the body and it never grew. I should have grafted those sleeves too but instead I just moved the entire body of the sweater round and round as I knit the sleeves! :-)
    I finished it at 1:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve because the new cable arrived a day late. I figured I could wrap it up with the needles still in it and she would understand as a knitter herself, but I'm glad I finished it.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Cute washcloths. I haven't made any in a good long while. I like using them, but find the cotton bothers my hands when knitting. But, they don't take long to make so maybe if I just do one here and there it won't bother me? The sweater is awesome. Looking forward to seeing it progress.

  5. Those little dishcloths are so cute! and you already know how much I love the cardigan!

  6. Fun to see the rest of this sweater after just reading about its sleeves! It's a pretty one, that's for sure.


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