Monday, December 12, 2022


On the road again! After church we headed out to enjoy another December birthday--it is wonderful to see the kids and make their day special!  On the way, I finished this month's block for Tunisian crochet.  As I smoothed it out on my lap, I realized there was a major goof in the middle--I had started across the row, gotten interrupted and came back across before finishing the row which made a 'short row increase' that is highly visible now-and the block isn't square!  It's ripped back and I will do it again; 
 it's a good thing it was a very enjoyable pattern! lol
I shifted to the socks I've been working on.
  Since they are man-socks they are taking longer 
but they are knit on #3 needles
 so it isn't labor intensive over just 60 stitches. 
 I do love the yarn and the results-
this is the second sock going up the leg so it won't be long now.

I was so tired when I got home last night, I forgot to blog. 

 The kitties were glad to see me and soon we were all slumbering!

Today, I will do a lot more resting and then drive only 2 minutes down the road for quilting group.  I have some binding to apply to that star quilt~


  1. Lena is such a patient kitty to sit under your projects to calmly to keep you company!

  2. It’s a mystery why those glaring mistakes don’t glare until the project is “finished.” Arrgh!


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...