Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Did you have one of these in your traditions?  It is a birch log adorned with hand rolled beeswax candles with sprigs of pine branch tips in the drilled holes in the log.  
The agave flower stalk has grown another foot now
 but mostly, it has been growing flower buds..
See what I mean? 
 I can't wait to see what it will look like!  
I reworked the Tunisian block with no probles this time.
  I am ready to lay them out and crochet all twelve blocks
 into a lap blanket!  
Another hat is off the machine-it needs a label but I lost my oomph to sew it on last night!  I will make another hat and put labels on both of them today!
The cats all take turns laying under the tree-they pace around the one who's turn it is--there hasn't been any ornaments knocked down but the tree skirt does get skidded about!


  1. I do have a birch log (that we found on a walk in Vermont) that Fletch drilled holes in and we put candles in it. My Mom had one too. So pretty.

  2. You have once again blown me away with your productivity and skill!! That shelf will be so useful, the hats and quilt will bring comfort, and the turned wood items will be cherished. Hope you are recovered from your busy!

  3. My grandmother had one of those logs. I haven't seen one in ages. Your tree is beautiful. I just had to shoo one of my kitties away from the tree. She was eating the garland. That's a trip to the vet's I don't need.

  4. Several years ago, I had a pine log with holes for candles and some greenery. The youth at the church were selling them.

  5. Oh - very interested in seeing that Agave bloom!


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