Thursday, December 22, 2022


This is the view I see when entering the studio--cat nesting.  This mess is what they pull out to spend the night.  They might like it but I do NOT!  When Sarah  posted about this solution to her pet  'digging' in her scraps, I knew it was just what I needed!
I folded the larger pieces and now this cube is off limits to the cats! Bwahaha! 
Look!  There is a tidy floor again.
And I used the rest of the bins to organize my yarn!  This way I can pull out one skein without causing an avalanche of yarn! 
 I love to organize things! 
 I also threw away a full garbage bag of useless detritus
that I have collected and now it is gone and I feel lighter!!!!
In fact, I've ordered more so all of the yarn will be sorted!
 I usually go crazy cleaning corners in January,
 so, I am ahead of the game!


  1. I thought my cats were the only ones who did that. I need to buy some storage boxes for my linens. Every time I open the closet door they all pour out on me from above. I have them in plastic bags to keep the dust off but they are slippery and they all ski down onto my head. I need a helmet.

  2. I need to get some of those bins to put in my yarn cubes

  3. Kitties always find the darndest places to sleep. I have so much organizing to do. Unfortunately, no matter how many containers I buy, I still always have such a mess. And save way too much stuff. Never ending battle.

  4. I use similar bins for my yarn stash, but I haven’t see the ones with windows. Hmmm, I might need to upgrade.

  5. Nice work! You have an impressive amount of fabric! But I think I might have more yarn.....gotta get busy and knit! Merry Christmas!


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