Tuesday, December 20, 2022


This little quilt now has binding and as I write this,
 it is in the dryer!
I started this when I had a broken wrist 
and couldn't do much in the area of cutting, etc. 
 Nice to have it completed before the year is over!
I have the tenth block on the needles.
   It is a very good blend of texture and cables!
It is block #49 and it is a quicker knit than some of the others!
Another hat is in the pile! 
 I am really clearing out the bins of yarn
 and that is a good feeling.

Today we are heading to youngest son's for a early Christmas visit!  We look forward to sharing time with them!  I have knitting to enjoy on the ride up and easy knitting while there which I probably won't touch unless we watch a movie! lol  

 Today is my birthday (67th) 

and I will get to share that with them, too! 

Now that is a bonus!



  1. Happy birthday to you!!! Have a great visit with the FB crew. Love you!

  2. Happy Birthday! Have a good time celebrating everything!

  3. Love the swirling on that hat! Happy BIrthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! I love the cables on the new block.

  5. Happy birthday fellow December baby!!!
    Getting stuff done before the new year should be on my to-do list too but I just can't seem to work up the will to pick up a thing.

  6. What a lovely square that will be. And a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you enjoy the visit.


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