Wednesday, December 21, 2022


When we first arrived at our Fernandino Beach family, we had lunch and then took a walk at a nearby park that borders the Intercoastal waterway.
It was beautiful despite the brisk temperatures 
and very drilling wind!
The kids briefly enjoyed the playground--I enjoyed the paved walkway (much easier for me to walk along!)
and then on the other side of the playground, 
I discovered a Little Library!  It was all kid's books 
but I found one to read to the kids at bedtime!
A small berry but not so striking without the snowy backdrop!
I enjoyed spotting this majestic Hickory tree;  our farm in NY had so many of these in the back woods!
There were these Laurel Oaks infested with a bug that results in the large growths on the sides of the tree. 
 Not quite a burl but similar.
Unfortunately, this is the end result of the bug infestation!
A very large tree that is quite dead.
I was interested in how they might turn on the lathe! lol

The kids ran circles around us but we had a wonderful time.
Yes, rough-housing with Grandpa is part of the package!



  1. Looks chilly but lovely! Nice to see Dad still willing to roughhouse with the grandsons even though it’s harder physically than it was when the first grandson was that age!

  2. Looks like the visit was just wonderful. Hope you get a lot of snuggle time!

  3. It's funny how our crafts change the way we look at things

  4. I love those little libraries. We used to have a cute little one at the tot park but they tore it down for some reason and never replaced it.

  5. That looks like a great walk. That not burl thing on the tree is very interesting!!!


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