Saturday, December 10, 2022


Play practice went very well and then I shopped for as few minutes as I needed to get the things on my list and then I was home in time for a late lunch!  Afterwards, I only had enough energy to play at the lathe and then cleaned the house.
  I find cleaning very relaxing.  The laundry I put in this morning was folded and put away and then it was time for bed! 
 'Tis the season to be busy!



  1. What pretty little things! It is a busy time for sure. After a week of watching the Baby Grand I've got him here now for the night. I never realized how sore my arms and shoulders were from slinging him around all week until I had to pick him up again. Ouch.

  2. I enjoy cleaning, as well. It’s playing to see the difference in each space with even a few minutes of work. Beautiful pieces — I love the smooth and the rough separated by the diagonal line!

  3. I don't find cleaning relaxing, just a necessary nuisance. Love the wood pieces. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog so thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

  4. I love the combination of bark and bare wood

  5. Those are pretty!!!
    ( I have laundry you can fold haha)


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