Monday, July 27, 2020


 The hank of flax is spun and I now have a skein of linen
which is a whopping eight ounces for 508 yards of sport weight yarn!
I plan to either knit or crochet a market bag with it.
The yarn plied pretty smoothly-
it was hard to ply more loosely than I usually do
because I didn't want to end up with kinky or wiry yarn.
This is soft which is surprising but not like wool!
I ended up with a perfectly balanced skein
which was a wonderful outcome!
The yarn hanging straight like this instead of torqued
is proof of the balance between plying (twisting the two singles of linen)
and the original twist of the singles.
I enjoyed this project very much!


  1. Beautiful skein of yarn. I’ve never knit with linen, but I’m told it softens with use and laundering.

  2. Linen is such a renewable fiber, so it's great to see people use it. I bought a kit for a tote bag, but haven't gotten to it yet.

  3. Nice! Will be curious about your market bag. I've toyed with the idea of knitting one...but to date have not...

  4. Amazing!! You've inspired me to get out my cotton. I worked on it a little last night but it really tries my patience.

  5. Is that gorgeous or what!!! Would this work well for a shawl or no? I have never knit with linen yarn before.

  6. Very, very nice. It's going to make a gorgeous market bag. You did a perfect job of spinning.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....