Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Good Vibes

First thing yesterday, I pieced the pinwheels top and added the borders; 
 I even found a chunk of fabric just large enough to work for a backing!
(I'm sorry it is wavy but I didn't press it yet nor took the time to lay it neatly on the wall!)
I stood at the frame for 1/2 and hour to figure out what I was going to do 
and ended up working up lines in the small triangles 
and a stylized flower in the hexagons. 
 It is rhythmic and more importantly, repeatable! 
 I always feel relieved when I figure out a plan for the quilting lines! 
 I started to get frustrated when I couldn't keep straight lines in the triangles 
and then I went with my wiggles and just echoed lines not straight ones
--it looks good and removes the frustrations!  Phew.
The Shrimp plants are all blooming (4-5" long) 
and they are still attracting many hummingbirds and butterflies.  

Someone else was attracted-he flew so fast, 
I couldn't get a pic so I burrowed this one from Google.  
It is a Hummingbird Moth (white-lined Sphinx moth) 
and he has a loud buzz or hum when he zips by you!
But I did manage one picture of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail!
  These guys are large and beautiful!
And this little greeting card is just in time for the Fall mood we are all feeling! 
 3 x 5" watercolor card


  1. Nice way to combat the frustrations! Love those shrimp plants - so pretty!!

  2. I think the hardest part of machine quilting is knowing what to quilt. I've watched so many videos of folks telling you how to figure it out but it never sticks.

  3. I like those flowers in the hexies! So cute. It's all squirrels and blue jays here. The sparrows are back too - cleaning out the feeders too fast!

  4. Most of the birds have departed to their winter homes, and butterflies too. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy them in your yard. Nice job on the hexie quilting:it looks fantastic.

  5. Love your pinwheel quilt and I think that backing should also be the binding. It adds so much to the top (at least the way the colors look on my screen). Your pumpkins are just adorable and would be great in a larger painting!

  6. The stylized flower is very creative and perfect for that quilt! Shrimp plants-- I must look into these. What a great addition to the garden. I used to get hummingbird moths on my butterfly bush. But that has been chopped down, and I haven't seen any moths lately. They are fun to spot.

  7. How nice to be able to still enjoy the birds and butterflies. Ours have been gone for several weeks now. Love the way you've done the quilts.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!