Friday, October 2, 2020

Beauty is...

... a pile of fabric to back all of the quilt tops I've been making the last few months!
...a pair of socks out of a very nice yarn, Static, from KnitPicks that matched perfectly.
...a heel turned in perfection without holes of any kind!
...a lot of yarn left over from a pair of socks even though the socks have tall legs!  (1 ounce)
...a sunset that looks like the whole western sky was on fire!
...a cute new entry in the art journal that is a lot more fun than the real thing!
(another tote bag art from KnitPicks)

Yesterdays postcard was my attempt at rendering a synagogue in Budapest from Deborah's blog.


  1. That’s a lot of fabric! Pretty colorway (socks), too.

  2. Pretty fabrics - looks like you scored well!

  3. Piles of fabric make me happy. I have to stop my self from buying random collections of layer cakes because of my weak will.
    I love those socks. I had a look at Static and I really, really want some but I am ashamed of the pile of sock yarn I have accumulated over the pandemic months.

  4. Great socks! Do I sense a purple/blue fixation in your current and anticipated crafting?

  5. I could use more sock yarn but I'm making myself wait until Manatee is back in stock at Knit Picks to finish my Pimpelliese Shawl. I also have a storage problem here in the trailer.
    I love all of the purples in your blog today. Lavender/Purple is my favorite color of all.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!