Sunday, August 15, 2021


I laid the two layers of linen wrong sides together with plenty of pins-all around the 16' perimeter!
Be sure and change your thread from the wash-a-way to regular sewing thread!
Once sewn, trim your corners and turn right side out.
Taking my time, pressing the edge...
and pinning the inner points as I work my way around the runner.
Here is how it looks right now.
I turned my attention to these two delightful grands!  Who were to enjoy some Hot Wheel moves in between thunder storms!
They sure caught on to the moves to turn 180* and keep on speeding away!  Impressive.
And once they are truly sweaty, we head to the pool to cool down!  What a wonderful visit thing it is to be a grandma!


  1. The boys are getting so big! Look how much they have grown. Sounds like a perfect day.

  2. Argh! you're keeping me in suspense! But the boys look like they are having lots of fun. Those big wheels never get old, no matter how much time passes.

  3. I haven't seen anyone riding a big-wheel in years. I remember my boys loved theirs. I'm glad you get to see your grands often. Piper and Mandy were here today and I painted her finger nails for the first day of school.
    The runner is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished project.

  4. You have been busy with fun and fibers and family!! All the best kind of life.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....