Sunday, October 31, 2021


The binding went right to work today-
and  even sewed the Quilts for Kids label on the back. 
 I will wash it when I finish the second one, too.
The second quilt has the four-patches completed and the general design set out for me to take to quilt group on Monday!
Our Camellias are really starting to fill the bushes;  
the white ones are always first.
This is the other side of the bush.  So very pretty.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


The QFK's quilt is off the frame!
I did it in a simple meander panto that doesn't compete with the fabrics.  The binding will happen today.
Instead of doing the binding yesterday, I made another honey dipper out of the spalted oak.  It sanded beautifully in spice of being very dry wood.  I did chip out one of the rings but it will still work-I will gift it to my daughter since it is from her oak tree!

Friday, October 29, 2021


I tackled the binding on the king-sized quilt for my bed--boy, was that a work out!  I sewed and then walked a bout a bit and then did some more--I sure felt the tension in my shoulders and neck!
Lena usually lays on the table next to me as I sew but I couldn't handle her weight on the quilt and convinced her to stay down on the floor;  she is watching birds in the feeder right out there! lol
I loaded the boys' QFK on the frame and will knock that off today.  I might even get the binding on it, too!  
I hope to then load on the pumpkin table runner!
And look--I washed all of the bedding and made the bed with the new quilt!  I am very happy with the results. 
 But I am feeling like I need to change out the window shades now....   It's always just one more thing! lol

Thursday, October 28, 2021


I can't believe it but I finished my king-sized coral/brown quilt! 
 I laid it out on the floor and trimmed it all the way around 
and today, I will be putting the binding  on! 
 I can't wait to see it on my bed!
I made another honey dipper-this one from a Crepe Myrtle branch.  I didn't make the narrow part as narrow this time and changed the shape of the handle, too. 
 This 'fits' more comfortably! 
 I also moved the center over so that the pith wasn't the main line of the neck wood--this makes the handle stronger. 
 (you can see the dark streak along the side of the neck instead of at its center. )
 I can't wait to make another one today.
Isn't this a pretty block!?! 
 It is from Hooked by Robin and is very easy to memorize.
But like Lays potato chips, 
you won't be able to make only one! lol  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


I took one of the branches from the wood pile and started a new project today.  I have wanted to try to make a honey dipper!
The Magnolia wood is so light and pretty! 
 I had it shaped in no time and began the pleasurable part
 which is the shaping!
And it went well until it didn't!  All part of the game....

I didn't want to waste the beginning 'bulge' and turned it into a Christmas tree light!  I hope to make a lot of these so the kids can paint them as ornaments for their trees!
My second attempt went much better but I used a different wood-this is Black Walnut.  I think it will work out just fine.  I have already started a second Magnolia branch one-here's hoping!
Yesterday's prompt--CONNECT--
I just had fun with a bit of drawing! lol

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


The town's community center is open to the public again and we held our quilting group yesterday!  It was so good to catch up with friends and see what everyone has been up to in the months and months apart!  I worked on the latest Quilts for Kids kit.  
There is one blog reader who will appreciate this fabric!
And while I was enjoying a good time sewing, talking and laughing with friends, Bill was struck by the truck on the left-Bill is in the middle and the car on the left of  ran right up the driver's side of Bill and flipped on his side!  (he had to be removed by the rescue crew through the windshield!)  No one suffered any injuries-just three ruined vehicles!  The truck who pulled out and hit Bill was at fault but that is little satisfaction when your new truck is unable to be driven....
I had started this for my PROMPT for the day but maybe 
Bill did it better than me! 

Monday, October 25, 2021


A new sock is on the needles;  this in Muse, Endurance Speckle. 
 I am knitting a vanilla sock on 2mm needles over 64 stitches.
The prompt for yesterday was EXTINCT; 
I so enjoy my own Pileated Woodpecker, 
I knew I wanted to paint a similar bird 
that is now gone from N. America.


Sunday, October 24, 2021


The piecing of the new pumpkin table runner is mostly done;  I have yet to add the white borders.  
I had quite a backlog of bowls, etc, to sign because I broke my last woodburner.  This time I bought a pyrography tool instead and it was so much better at signing the wood! 
Now an almost pleasurable chore!
Now I can make something new since I am caught up! lol
The prompt yesterday was LEAK; 
 I have a dripping faucet so this was an easy one!

Saturday, October 23, 2021


I finished the last block today after I did a bit of work at the quilting frame.  It felt good to be home for a change! lol  I organized all of the blocks around the center medallion and began the job of crocheting the seams.  It took the rest of the afternoon, but I did it!
I even wove in all of the ends!
Nyki enjoyed the stage arranged just for her, right?! 
 This is about 40" wide now.  
There are still two more borders to be added to each side.
The prompt for yesterday was OPEN, and I didn't have to think long before I knew what I wanted to do.

Do you rush out and to get the mail each day? 
 I like to get the mail-even if it is only junk mail!

Friday, October 22, 2021


I endured my last dr appointment yesterday, picked up some new meds and collapsed on the recliner the rest of the day! 
I don't have to go anywhere today, to the best of my knowledge, and for that I am very grateful;  it has been a very tough week!
 I did watch some good tutorials for days when I have verve again but really I just did some more of the crocheting.
I did have fun with the prompt, FUZZY. 
 I'd like a bite of one, wouldn't you?!

Thursday, October 21, 2021


The day was very pleasant for a very emotional day;  a friend's grown son had died.  We drove through mostly empty countryside to go to the church.

Cattle enjoyed the milder, less humid weather, too.  Scrub land, fields, a few trees and way in the distance you can see the slash pine forest.
There were also ranches far and few between.
Tool sheds are scattered among the trees.
I did a bit of sock knitting on the way.
I was able to paint the prompt, SPROUT, which was a joy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Another pair of socks completed! This is knit in Muse, Peace Tonal,  over 64 stitches on 2.5mm needles, toe-up with the Hermione Pattern.

The socks are a bit larger than usual 
because I usually knit with 2.0mm needles
 but they will fit someone!
I've made one of the new mosaic blocks--
it's a bit wonky but hasn't been blocked yet!
 And for Inktober, the prompt was LOOP--
an easy one to know what to do. 
 Did you spend a lot of time with one of these
 when you were younger?!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


After my morning eye appointment, in which we increased my dosage so hoping that is one 'pain' that will be under control again, I popped over to my neighbor's to help her with a sewing machine problem.  While there, I was amazed at the growth of this vine she calls Dutchman's pipe!  This flower is as big as my hand!
  Very prehistoric looking!
When I got home, Bill had done a lot of work clearing out this area which had gotten out of control with random pots and plants he had potted to give them a head start. 
 I love it all cleaned out!  It was a nice surprise!
I was looking for something else and found a package of 20 gauge brass wire which gave me the idea to try my hand at a YouTube
 I had seen on making this kind of jewelry! 
 It was just so much fun, I made three!
What can I is a very pleasing activity to randomly make squiggles and angles with the wire!
Forgive the rotten photo--the camera will not play with the flourescent light on my desk tonight but this is for the prompt COLLIDE--sometimes, done is well done!
Now this one was pure joy! 
 The prompt was MOON and the ideas were many. 
 Easy can be welcome.


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...