Friday, October 21, 2022


I started a new sweater, a cardigan, called Elmgrove, by Berroco.  Lena was doing an inspection of my stitch count!  I thoroughly enjoyed doing the lace knitting which is how the increases are made on the yoke.
It is a round yoked top-down cardigan. 
 I am using the yarn I brought home from my Mom in August.  
It is more coral than the orange it appears here.
Earlier in the day, I worked on the new red blocks. 
 I will finish the rest of them, 9 more, today.
Bill was at work on the roof trying to repair a leak
 on the solar panels that heat the water for the pool.
  Unfortunately, he had to declare fatalities to 3 of the 7. 
 It's been a hard few days to be on the roof
 because of the aching back, knees, ankles that result!  



  1. Love the sweater! It's a beautiful color. And those I get the aching body with the roof repair. I hate it when The Mister gets up there anymore. He refuses to get gutter or chimney people and it's a long way down for an old dude to fall.

  2. I downloaded that pattern the other day! love the colour you chose

  3. Love your knitting and the star display.

  4. That is a beautiful color and a pretty sweater. Quilt stars too. You are such a busy, busy lady.
    Dennis and I are moaning and groaning when we get out of bed in the morning. So stiff and sore from this moving stuff. I'm waiting for the cable guy to come hook up our internet for us so had a couple of minutes to check blogs.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.