Friday, May 22, 2020

Flowers and Islands

 For the last two days, Bill and I weeded the area in front of our porch-all 80' of it!
 It hasn't seen such a cleaning for 3 years or maybe 4 years!
(first the boys were with us, then Bill messed up his elbow for 10 months and 
then I complicated the last few months!)
But after removing a mountain of weeds and things that have spread so it looked like a jungle,
we spread the mulch and see order again!  
(What I enjoy so much in all of my spaces!)
 You can see the very end where we ran out of mulch!
We will be going today but purchase some more to finish the job!
What a wonderful way to get sore muscles--by working for it instead of just having them!
If you get what I mean!
 The flowers around the house are so pretty--yellow and pink is the theme right now-
this is red ginger,
 angle trumpets
 look up the trumpet and see how pretty!  (these blooms are large-a foot long and about 6-7" across)
 And the first of the season--Dutchman's Pipe or Cereus blooms!
 Remember you can only see them at night--I didn't stay awake until 11 or 12 pm to see them fully open but they were deliciously scented even so!
 This is what I call a lemon lily-it is from my daughter's home and we transplanted them last year
and they are blooming now for me!  I'm so excited about it!
 How's this for showy?  Hibiscus-large and without an inch of aroma, alas.
 And this is the project we work on when we get too hot outdoors--
 with lots of pieces--lots and lots of pieces.
 A kitchen island!  I've wanted one for so long.
Now to figure out what I want to put in the two cupboards and two drawers! lol
I think this will be my baking, pizza making station.
Now to get used to having it in the middle of the kitchen....we will have a bit of navigating to do
but already it is easier for me to get things out of the fridge and not have to walk so far for each trip!
Can you say bar stool?  I need one of those, too.  
We will look while we are out today.
I sit in the car while Bill goes in the stores
 but I'm going because we have two stops at doctor offices 
where they need more paper work to correct claims!  
I'm bringing the blanket to work on while I sit and people watch!


  1. Hooray for two exciting finishes! (The mulch is close enough to count!) The gardens look wonderful; how exciting to have found the long-awaited island!

  2. What a job!! I bet it's just gorgeous with all those blooms.
    I sure miss my kitchen island. It's out in the driveway lol...I have to admit it's been very useful with dealing with the recycling out there. I'm starting to wonder if I will ever get my kitchen finished. Sitting in Ikea for several hours to do the planning and ordering is not something I need to be doing right now. Even though we are opening, our numbers are still going up and up. Now with the tourists all arriving this weekend I can't imagine how much worse it's going to get.

  3. Congratulations on finishing the weeding and mulching. Your plants will pay you back with even more growth and blooms.

  4. Gorgeous flowers! And a great little island - that will come in very handy!

  5. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful porch and garden area so much. It's so pretty and reminds me of Hawaii with the beautiful blooms. I can't imagine it being too hot to work outside right now. It's 39F here this morning!
    I enjoyed seeing your kitchen too. I always like to see other people's kitchens for some reason. The island looks great there and I know you'll love it. I sure did mine when we got it. So convienient. I also keep my baking supplies in it.

  6. Your newly cleaned and mulched area looks beautiful! Mulch is wonderful for controlling weeds. The island looks great and it will be so nice to have baking items right at hand. Who can't use more cabinet space.

  7. I appreciate the beauty, but not the dirt that would surely be under my nails. I don't know when I became averse to dirt, but I am a full fledged dirt avoider now!

  8. Love those flower photos! Florida has such unique beauties. Your kitchen looks great!

  9. Your garden looks wonderful. I just had everything cut back by a lovely man who does some work for us, lots of trimming and thinning out of plants. Now we need mulch. Have fun with your new kitchen island.


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...