Monday, May 25, 2020

On the Ball

 Lena has developed a manic need to be brushed.  Often.  Every time we move, it must be to go to this table (who is the dummy that started brushing her here?!) to brush her!
So when I put the bowling ball here, she was not happy-it was right on her place!
And I had a brush in my hand, but it wasn't HER brush.  
Anyway, I have had these bowling balls in my flower beds in our last home (NY-13+ years ago)
and now in FL and they certainly needed a bit of spiffing up!
 I couldn't believe the acrylic paint lasted so long!
This time, I am going to make them all blue with a sparkle finish-just like the fancy bowling balls!
And they will be in the newly renovated gardens in front of the house!
Yup, they will be very pretty against the terracotta of the wood chips!
Only a few more coats to go!

(I did brush Lena-on the floor so any hairs didn't stick to the wet paint--between coats!


  1. That's one slick kitty. The Mister said just the other day that we have not trained the cats, they have trained us.

  2. Pretty!

    I can pick up the cat brush without Burton coming out of nowhere yelling to be brush. The tines are metal and a few of them are loose and make noise - and boy does he know that noise! And of course, once I start brushing him, Rupert and Relic notice and want a brushing too. Peno on the other hand.. HATES the brush.

  3. What wonderful gazing balls and they won't break. Great color and it will look pretty in the wood chips.

  4. To get my dogs used to blow dryers, so they wouldn't freak at the groomers, I started encouraging them to stand by me as I blow dried my hair by petting them. Now the youngest comes running when he hears the blow dryer! LOL. Love the blue sparkle!

  5. That is a fantastic idea and will look so pretty in your front garden. Stay safe.

  6. awww. Our house is full of hair! ! They are all shedding! I actually shaved Fezzik a bit. It is not pretty but much less hair on the floor. I LOVE YOUR bowling ball garden ideas.


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