Monday, November 16, 2020

Another Hand Hug-Sort of...

I love this pattern (Tough & Toasty by Martina Behm) 
and tried it with the last of the ball of SilverSpun yarn 
but it turned out too small.  
I am trying it again with a few notes for the new numbers
so that I can repeat it for the second hand--
think you will remember what you did! lol
Yesterday was our church anniversary service,
 followed by a meal and then games outdoors for the kids (and big kids!) .  Will is carrying an egg here
and here Ethan (far left, red shirt) and Will (on the right)
 are getting ready for the egg toss!  What fun!
  It was followed by a rousing game of kickball!  
The kids loved it and did great!

 They had a pretty area set up inside for photos--
Matthew took a 'candid' of Bill and me. 
 I'm tired but thoroughly enjoyed my family visit this weekend!


  1. Your weekend was full of activity. I’m glad you had a great time with the boys, and I love the photo of you and your sweetheart. Martina’s patterns fun to knit.

  2. I love the photo of you and Bill. I don't think I've ever seen him before. It's nice to be able to put faces to people isn't it?
    It looks like a lovely weekend you had with family. It's been an entire year since I've seen any of our kids or grandkids.
    Take care and stay safe.


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