Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Day of Adventures!

Cassandra and I worked on step one of making a stepping stone. (applying tile adhesive and placing our tiles) 
Now we must wait to grout it.  Today will see it finished!
The tree crinum is doing it again (this bloom bundle is 18-20" wide).  The smell is delicious!
A lot of this happened today.  (pool temp is 82F)
In the pond out back, 
we saw this pattern in the water and knew this was around!
A water snake. 
 A permanent removal was necessary but it was not wasted-
because we hang it in the tree for a hawk or eagle!
  The camouflage is good-can you see it?!
The evening was perfect 
(except for the mosquitos which is why I am inside the lanai for the bonfire)
for fireworks!
A loud and beautiful end to a perfect day!


  1. The star in your lanai picture looks like the Star of Bethlehem! Very seasonally-appropriate! :) Looks like some lovely time together!

  2. I need a tile platform for my deck fire ring and keep thinking I should do something like your stepping stones. I am getting tired of laying down the tiles one by one.

  3. Not judging - just asking ..... why do you kill the water snakes? Was it a cottonmouth?

    Your tile is going to be beautiful. Sounds like the kids are having a great time (the adults too).

  4. That looks like the perfect day! I love the blue stones in your tile. Very pretty. And kudos for a great way to "repurpose" that snake! I'm sure the bird of prey will thank you.

  5. What a good day! The pool looks like the perfect place to be. You sure wouldn't find me in the pond if you have water snakes. Snakes and I are NOT friends!

  6. Eek! Remind me to never come your way. Love the tile beginning.


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These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished! I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simp...