Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Not Thwarted ; Re-Directed!

I had planned on playing with the lathe again today 
but I need to change the head chuck
 and I couldn't loosen it-no matter what I tried!   
So, after railing against my inability to move it, 
I went into the studio and did some quilting! 
 I added the binding to the pinwheels 
and then tossed it in the washer/dryer.
And then it was time to add another one onto the frame--
I almost finished it but ran out of standing stamina so that was that! 
 I did get the binding done so I can put it on today
 as soon as I finish up the last 20 minutes of quilting.
Sock number one is almost finished 
for the last little pair of Christmas socks. 
 I'm glad I did the larger sizes first 
because this one seemed to fly off the needles!
Watercolor is still going to be an almost daily event--
even without Inktober to spur me on! 
 I enjoy the drawing part 
and then adding a bit of color a layer at a time. 
 It is fun to walk by and add some more.
  It is getting easier to know when I'm done with each one, too!  
I would like to sit by this lake today....


  1. Gorgeous watercolor! The quilt on the frame looks like it has a secret code written by the white (light-colored?) strips of fabric — maybe just because I’m on my phone, so the picture is small-ish, but it entertained me!

  2. I wish I knew when I was done. I really muddied up a lot of my inktober projects from not knowing when to say when. I'll have to work on that next year.

  3. Beautiful painting - what a lovely spot too! I'd like to join you in sitting by the lake. We could knit!

  4. You still had a productive day, even if it didn't go quite as planned!

  5. I’ll bring my knitting and join you and Vera at the lake you painted. ;o)

  6. I hope we can make some room because I'm going to join you, Vera and Nancy at the lake knitting!
    The quilt is gorgeous too.

  7. IT is fun to see you knitting without a machine! Your socks look great. We hiked by a lake today. It was lovely . NO ONE was on the trail for 3.5 miles.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!