Monday, November 23, 2020

AFO'S (almost finished objects!)

I did add jingle bells to each of my bells but I want to make quite a few more before this season is done!
I'm close to finished sock #1;  I will knit until I am almost out of yarn which is a great benefit of knitting toe-up!
I have been working on the Mystical Lanterns afghan to bring it to a conclusion--I am presently crocheting around the outside of the blanket-again, I will knit until I am out of this yarn once and for all!


  1. I don’t know why they get me so excited, but I love Christmas socks! I can hardly wait to pull mine out later this week! The lanterns look pretty even in a pile; I’m sure the finished project will be lovely.

  2. Always nice to have projects close to the end!

  3. Mystical Lanterns has such beautiful colors. My socks and shawl have been neglected far too long. I need to work on them this week.

  4. I really like the yarn you're using for the Mystical Lantern blanket. I had hoped to work on my tiny socks but I have spent the last 5 hours tearing the trailer apart and putting it back together! I had food stashed everywhere from when we moved in. I took inventory and organized it better. Hopefully it will all get used and not wasted.
    Take care.

  5. Your post and my Great-nephew remind me I need to finish sewing his afghan's blocks together and do an edge stitch. I so do not want to do this!! Maybe that's a project for car sitting as we drive south for Thanksgiving.

  6. Almost hard to imagine needing socks at Christmas time - this Saturday is forecast to be 40*C (104*F) and were still a month of midsummer!


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