Sunday, November 29, 2020

Closing Down on the Weekend

Cassandra and I made some stepping stones today. 
 It is so relaxing, if messy, to play with grout!  
This will cure in another 24 hours and I will put it out with the other stones, I almost have a completed path!

 I also did a little bit of painting;  another winter scene card.  
I watched a tutorial about a different style of fir tree
 and had to give it a go!   
 My company has gone home, 
my house is quiet 
and the cats are out of hiding.
  I hope to finish that pair of socks today after church!
What's your plans?


  1. Pretty projects. After church today I will probably take Abigail for some driving practice, then she and I will probably work some more on decorating the house for Christmas. :)

  2. I should be sewing a tote bag today, but I'm not sure I can muster the energy. We will have to see!
    Love the painting!

  3. Glad you got to recharge your memory bank with the family. Love the finished stepping stones.

  4. I love the blue in the tiles. They will look great in a path. And your painting is so festive! No snow here yet, but this card puts me in the mood!

  5. Those stepping stones are both beautiful. I tried to choose a favorite but I couldn't decide. :-). The painting is very realistic too. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow but it's also forecast to be 40F so who knows? I have to go to the bank and pick up groceries so I hope the weather person was wrong.

  6. Such an atmospheric and pretty card ... I do like your current header too.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.