Thursday, March 18, 2021

Doing What You Need to Do

This is the same stretch of azaleas 
looking up the driveway this time--sunset.
This is something I had to do today so I could wear these pants--they were too small at the waist-a bit of pandemic swelling but anyway-
I start with a cut along the seam,
I cut out a triangle of knit fabric-(I doubled the fabric because this is thing-anything will work-I just like soft;
After stitching both sides of the 'dart',
I then trim the backing fabric and ta-da, no muffin top!

The trip to the doctor's and then some  errands took the wind out of my sails.
I took three hours to be able to get up and empty the car!
Aren't these amaryllis really fancy?
I am going to use this for my screen saver now! 
One man-sock done and the other begun!  


  1. I don't care how much weight I lose I still have a thick waist and jeans never fit. I wish I had thought of this before I donated all my old favorites.

  2. Clever fix for your pants! That sock was done awfully quickly.....

  3. That is brilliant! Why did I not know this back when I was wearing jeans all of the time? I'm trying to lose the Covid 15 but it's not going anywhere.
    Your flowers are so pretty. Still just brown and, of course, the evergreen trees here. No planting until after Mother's Day, that's the local gardeing tip I was told our first spring here.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Thank you for the sunset view photo. Clever alteration on your pants. During the pandemic isolation, I have gained more weight than I care to admit.

  5. I'm totally crushing on your flowers!

    I've finally lost the 10 extra lbs I put on thanks to COVID. Im hoping I can keep the momentum going and keep that number moving on down!

  6. Beautiful view! Isn't it wonderful to be able to alter things that are too good to get rid of, but just don't fit as well as they used to? I wish I had deep hems that I could let out to make pants longer, but then, that's not usually the case with jeans, so I just try to find talls!

  7. Gorgeous flowers! Interesting how far ahead of us you are at this time of year.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.