Saturday, March 27, 2021

Piecing and Patterns

I was eager to stitch up the HST's for Clue 4 for the QOV QAL!
All 48 blocks made in no time.
In no time at all, 
I had it all stitched up and put in the finished bag.
And then it was time to apply the binding 
to the tropical table runner!  
I made this the width of the fabric and 18" wide. 
 It was nice to see the picture in my mind work out perfectly!  
As long as I was in the studio, 
I drew out the pattern pieces for the bird house
 in cardboard for a template to use again and again.
Once the in-house chores were finished, 
I headed out with the new pattern pieces
 to begin on the bird house. 
 I sanded the pallet wood scraps,
so I could draw my pieces on the wood,
and then I cut them out using the scroll saw.
All of the pieces had their final sanding on the band sander. 
 (do you know if you hang a fingernail over the side
 of the board you are sanding 
that it will take that fingernail right down really quickly?!?!)
I had the pieces cut out and then sorted them for assembly.
But I couldn't for the life of me, cut the right angle for the roof--i
t measures at a 80* angle 
and I couldn't figure out how to cut it. 
 My attempts resulted in a shorter piece than I liked--
you've heard the 
"'I've cut it twice and it's still too short" joke, right? 
So I left it for another day....
it was time for pizza anyways.



  1. Clue #4 already?! Time flies! The finished runner is very pretty.

  2. I've been saving all of Alycia's clues, but haven't started the QOV mystery yet. I'm so glad I saw your post before I began. Why didn't I ever think of placing a picture of the mystery step with the blocks for the clue? Love your table runner. The quilting is wonderful.

  3. I got an error notice on my comment, so trying again. I love your ingenuity!! And now a favor. In exchange for FQs of your choice, would you send me a tracing of the leaf and flower of your runner? Pretty Please!!! I want to make one for the condo.

  4. That runner is spectacular!!!!

  5. Yikes! Be careful with that saw. You certainly are keeping busy with so many fun things. Nice table runner. Good luck with the birdhouse. Take care.

  6. That runner has turned out so pretty. It reminds me of Hawaii and the tropical flowers there. It's perfect on the table for spring/summer.
    As for the birdhouse. Really, is there anything you can't do? It's going to be so cute. Be careful with those sanders and saws. You need all of your fingers and toes! :-)
    Have a wonderful Saturday Cindy.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Gorgeous table runner! I really need to do some applique!


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...