Monday, March 1, 2021

Second Sock Slog

It seems like I have been knitting up the leg forever!  
It isn't an extremely tall sock either but here it is. 

But look at the King Orchid!!! 
 It has gone to town with the warm days lately!  
Just breath-taking!

 (Technical difficulties...I wrote this last night as usual for me but posted 5pm and not 5 am--)


  1. Oh, those orchids!!!! I am in my gray, miserable wet March funk and that just cheered me up.

  2. Socks, sleeves, they are all slogs!!! But pretty sock.

  3. Hooray! So happy to see those blooms!!!

  4. Hang in there; that sock is well on its way! Nice orchid! They don't like it at our house for some reason.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.