Sunday, January 5, 2020

Blankets and Bowls

 A new bowl emerges from the block of wood, this time Water Oak.
Actually from this burl;  the knob that grows on trees usually when a branch is broken or trimmed
and the tree heals over the scar.  It has incredible grain because it is not the usual growth pattern.
 It also gives some interesting bark lines which the woodworker can choose to keep 
or completely remove.  I am going to try and keep it for character!
 After  cleaned up the mess-and I do mean mess!  There is a lot of wood to remove to get to the bowl!
 Once I was also cleaned up, I went in to work on a new swatch for a blanket.
This is just stockinette with lace weight yarn.
I am going to try a basket weave pattern before I commit to a baby blanket.
I am working out the details either way I decide!


  1. Yowza! I still can't believe you can make a bowl from that ugly hunk of wood. Amazeballs!!!

  2. It's amazing that you can get something so useful out of something like that!

  3. So glad you showed this again. Fireman is here and I can show him both posts!!

  4. That is so cool. I had no idea that bowls were made from the burls. Where do you get them? Do have them at your home?
    Basketweave makes a nice blanket. I'll look forward to seeing it.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.