Saturday, January 18, 2020

Let's Proceed!

First in order for the day,
get as much done on the QOV as I can.
I haven't decided on a design yet,
which could slow me up considerably!
 No,this is not a shawl-it is one side segment of the machine knitted baby blanket!
I am blocking it so I can knit the bottom triangle and attach this at the same time.
Well, that is the plan.
It sure does have pretty triangles of tuck stitch for interest!
 I did have a biopsy done of the mole yesterday;
I am grateful for the numbness I always have in my face due to the MS
because I am sure it cut down on some of the discomfort!
 The biopsy will be sent to the lab;  if nothing is wrong with that, then this is a done deal-
they shaved the mole off to skin level and it will heal.  
If there are cancerous cells, then the doctor will decide if more needs to be removed.
Two weeks to hear back on the results.  
I did buy some less obvious band-aids as there is 2x daily changing of them for 14 days!
No, I am not worried;  we will deal with this as it unfolds.
I trust God to have this in His control and know He  will give me the strength to ride this out, too.
Did I mention that double-knitting is   S  L  O  W  ?
Trust me-I only doubled my rows after all of my knitting time yesterday.
At least now I am near the first decrease for the crown!
I will end my day knitting on this again!


  1. Double knitting? Whoa....that is one thing that scares me to death. I bought a book about it and it gave me a headache. Fingers crossed you get good news from the doc. I hate how our bodies want to turn on us once you get a certain age. I guess that's the blessing of a long life but's not as if you need more things to worry about.

  2. God's hands are the best place to be, especially when waiting for test results. My mystery QOV from the longarmer should be in today's mail. I'm eager to see how she quilted it.

  3. I've added your name to my prayer book and will be praying for good results from the biospy for you. The baby quilt is beautiful. I can't imagine how long it would have taken to hand knit that!
    I tried double knitting a few years ago. There was an 89 year old lady in my knitting group that designed patterns for double knitting and her needles could fly. She patiently tried to teach me, but I never really "got it." Your's looks beautiful.

  4. At least you've got lots to keep you busy until you find out! Sending lots of good vibes for a good diagnosis!

  5. Prayers for the mole. Im glad I decided not to double knit right now. I practiced that and Tunisian work the other day. I bailed on both. I was crazy when I didn't know what I'd do next. I now know. Leaf scarfs! or scarves or lets see if I get undone

  6. Looks like you are getting things done! Prayers on the face biopsy.

  7. Oh Oh Oh!! I recognize that quilt!! Yay!! Have fun quilting it!!! It will be amazing what ever you do. Praying for happy results!


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...