Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sunshine and Success

 It is always so pleasing to wake up to sunshine
 but especially at this time of year to have warm and sunny is a wonder, still.
The calliandra is still going strong.  
 I put away Christmas decorations 
until Bill had a bit of time to help me finalize the lathe area.  
He had already put up a LED light over the lathe 
but now we attached the peg board backing 
to the dresser/work bench.
Then we bolted down the lathe so that it stays put with all of the vibrations of woodworking!
And after a few hours, 
I began my very first bowl!
It is from a piece of cedar from our yard.
It smells so good!
I will be sure to collect some of the sawdust to make cachets.
I can't wait to finish this up tomorrow!


  1. How exciting this is! I'm so excited to see the finished bowl. Your talents just amaze me. I'll be back tomorrow to see what happens.

  2. Using the cedar sawdust for a cachet is a great idea!

  3. Oh, wow!!! Isn't that amazing! I love the smell of cedar. We used it for our ceilings and closets and it looks great and smells even better. It's like living in a log cabin. Well, it was until I started making soap. Now the whole house smells like a soap

  4. Cedar and oak are my favorite wood - cedar for the smell, oak for the grain. Have fun!

  5. I am so excited you are doing something so new and creative. Well done!


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...