Saturday, January 4, 2020

From Wood!

 I had such an incredible experience making this little bowl!
I can't describe to you the feeling of possibility at each motion of my tool!
 The bottom of the bowl has a small base like a teacup.
 I even signed the bottom!   
 I did learn that the best of ideas still are only going to be as good as the wood you choose.
The burl, like this is what the bowl emerged from right under my nose! lol
So there might be the best of designs but if the wood has imperfections, 
there will be no amount of hiding it from the glare of the sharp tools!
This bowl has a dry patch of wood, pithy in fact, and a crack.
I sanded  it to the fineness of china and will enjoy keeping it in view on my bed table!

Cedar burl
3 x 3"
1 light coat of Shellac


  1. Woohoo! You did it! It’s gorgeous.

  2. That is just amazing!! I bet it smells wonderful.

  3. It is wonderful. Even more beautiful than I imagined it would be. And cedar too! I can only imagine the smell.

  4. Lovely! I see many yarn bowls in your future.

  5. Amazing! It is so beautiful and your first bowl? I can't believe how perfect it is.

  6. I have to show Fireman your bowl and like Mere I ask, how did you do this?


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...