Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lifesaver Cactus Blooming!

Isn't it unusual but beautiful?!  The bloom is about 1 1/2" across ; 
 there is no aroma whether sweet or sour!
There are no prickers on this cactus and it is extremely easy to grow!  
A win-win succulent!
See how it stands out from the lobe with a 3/4" stem.
  What an amazing plant!
Look what I am going to make today! 
 It has been too long since I have made a stepping stone!
And since I spent some time being chauffeured to an eye appointment yesterday,
 I was able to knit quite a bit on the Pimpelliese shawl;  
I've only messed up once but it is easy to rip out to the beginning to the last 'tooth' and begin again!  


  1. Wow...that is one crazy plant! I've never seen anything like it.
    Pimpelliese is a great knit. Easy to memorize and always looks good in handspun. I'm afraid mine is languishing. I need to get it back in rotation but it is a TV knit for me and I've run out of shows. lol...I am such a creature of habit.

  2. That is the weirdest looking plant ever! I remember you posting a bloom previously and it is just STRANGE!! Your shawl is coming along nicely.

  3. What a fun bloom: it almost looks fake. Nature’s surprises are amazing.

  4. Now that is one strange looking cactus! It DOES look like a cherry lifesaver though. :-)
    Your Pimpelliese looks great! I have to wait until the yarn is back in stock at Knit Picks to finish my latest one. I hope the colorways are close!
    A stepping stone! How fun is that? I can't wait to see it.

  5. I love that cactus!! It is so cool looking. Everytime I see that shawl name I think Of doctor pimple popper.......I should have been a wound nurse

  6. I can never decide if that cactus bloom fascinates me or gives me the creeps! Ha! Regardless, it is definitely unique.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!