Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Close Shave...

I put to use the newly sharpened tools 
and had to find my touch again to shape the little bowl-
and to hollow out that center!  
That is the hardest part to me! 
 It's all technique plus experience! 
 Since I struggle with depth perception anyway, 
I have a  hard time approaching the bowl at the proper angle and touch!  It is fun to see my pile of wood and know that I can practice to my heart's content! 
 I will be applying the finishes to the bowl 
today and will begin a new one!
Here are my favorite tools 
(I have several old sets we've purchased through the years!)
 because they are just the right length and weight for me!  
These are all sharpened now--
I practiced with the old tools first-
but they one and all work like new, of course! 
 Wonderful to put them to use and to be able to sharpen them to perfection so many times in each project!

Here is the grinder all mounted and with its accessories for sharpening the different types of lathe tools.
And I leave you with this beautiful but non-aromatic Confederate Rose!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Progress with a little help from a Friend

It was so hot and humid today it made working in the garage-
which is not air conditioned-a bit of a challenge. 
 I've always been hampered by my lack of physical strength 
which was evidenced today when I couldn't even pick up the grinder out of the box! 
 I called my neighbor, Millie, and she gladly came over to help! 
 I had already removed the old belt sander from the tool stand, 
had cut the board on the table saw
 and only needed to put the grinder up on the stand!  
We had it set in place and bolted in no time! 
 I cleaned up the garage and closed doors just in time for a bit of rain!
I worked on the Pimpellise shawl and have it almost halfway;
at this point, I will do no increases but maintain the width for 12-15"
 and then I will begin to work the decreases.  It is a good knit.
INKTOBER Day 29-SHOES-- and the footwear I live in are my Croc flip-flops!
Oh, and the little girl socks are on the needle! 
 (I've been waiting for a footprint to be mailed to me!)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Pair of Purple/Pink Socks!

One more purply/pink pair of socks finished.  
I never order these colors--I think I was blind the day I purchased the last several skeins! lol  The sock was fun but I feel like a vanilla pair for the next pair.
These ended up with interesting ankles again this time!  
Lena was glad to have me back home. 
 I shared my lap in between post-overnighter chores!
I wanted to get everything done that needed it because I have a new toy--

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wanna Take a Golf Cart Ride?

The pinwheel quilt is off the frame and on the sewing table awaiting binding!
It was such a beautiful day yesterday, I went out on an exploration drive on the golf cart and was surprised to see the Calliandra plant already blooming!  The 'puff' ball is about 4-5" across.
It's always nice to see the Penta plants relax when the scorching summer heat lets up.
And this is only one bloom on a very loaded bush of fire spike or fire bush plant.
Hummingbirds and butterflies love it and it is getting very few of those lately-mostly sulpha butterflies and a few of these either soldier or queen butterflies-I couldn't tell!
The Calendula I planted 19 months ago has begun to bloom again and I see that the plant has finally started to spread!  It struggled for a long while through the summer--I know how it felt!
I was so sad my Cassia tree died out front and what do I discover along the hedge downwind of where it grew?  A new one already 10' tall!  It just looks like a young tree until October when these lovely flowers appear!
The flowers will continue to bloom right through to Dec or January depending on the temperatures!  Spectacular!

And then growing down low and covered with sweet flowers is this.  I  had to look up what it was because it is more subtle smelling than the Confederate Jasmine and the bloom is different, too but the smell reminds me.....well, it is a Downy Jasmine!  That's why.  Almost a honeysuckle smell.

Thanks for taking a tour in the yard on this beautiful Fall day!

(no watercolor today-I went to visit the boys and their Dad.  Bill has been called to go and help the power company in the wake of hurricane Zeta in New Orleans.  I'll be back home early today.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Looking Ahead

The binding is one-I hope to have another quilt in the same position soon
 so I can toss them both in the w/d.  
Nice to see this one completed. 
The Noah's ark pictures in the fabric are cute 
and I think it will be fun to play an I-Spy with the images!
Look what it starting on all 50 of our Christmas Cacti!!!!  
They will be in full bloom for December for sure!
  A common enough site in my back, backyard-
-a gopher tortoise who pulls in when he realizes he can't take cover anywhere else!

Monday, October 26, 2020


Second sock is off to a good start and I even remembered to reverse the placement of the zig zag to it will be on the outside of the foot on both appropriately! 
The new quilt did get some quilting at the frame--I use a rotary cutter template to trace the shape at each corner of the blocks.
They make an interesting design on both the pieced and plain blocks but the best part is that it is one continuous line across the row and then back!  I'll have to remember this one!

 INKTOBER DAY 25---BUDDY  This one was very enjoyable.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Some Color Inside and Out

The rental car was acquired though it needed a good wash!  
The Roselle plants (member of the hibiscus family--good for tea!) are all in bloom!  
They are this color, a darker red and a yellow!
 And amid all of the upheaval of the last few days, I did complete one sock.  I hope there is a calming around here again in both sock knitting and life! lol

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Bill took off early yesterday morning to go to the lab and run a few errands.  He never got more than 1.5 miles from home;  a man ran a red light and they collided.  At least Bill hit their side of the car instead of them T-boning Bill or this would be a very different post!

The only sad part is  the loss of this vehicle which we both love to drive! 
 The insurance company has deemed it totaled so now we have to go car shopping 
which is hateful to me and tiring right now for Bill.  
We do go today and pick up a rental until we find the replacement.  
The car is a Ford Escape--Bill had a very narrow escape;  
how grateful I am that God spared his life.

We did have to go to where the car was towed and clean out all personal items 
and remove the license plate.  
I'm always sad to say goodbye to a car! 
 Very little was accomplished after all of the extras of the day--
I did have to cut the extra fabric to the side of the quilt I was working on at the frame 
and sew it to the bottom which was 6" too short!  
What a shock.  After sewing it to the bottom of the quilt, 
I loaded it back on the frame to finish the bottom border!
I knew there was a good reason 
why I always place the top closer to one side of the backing than the other!
Off the frame and awaiting its binding.
And a new quilt is loaded on the frame. 
 As soon as we are back from the Enterprise, I will hit the quilting trail!

 Doing my own thing, I have painted the front of my church.  
We will be driving our rental on Sunday which will be strange 
we will be going together and that is too wonderful!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Reclaimed Territory

Yesterday was a bit of a wash as far as creativity!  
I had two doctor's appointments with two good reports 
which helps with the drama of going anywhere!  
 I did get the sock knit back to the troubled spot and then some
 and that is all I have to show from yesterday!  
I couldn't even muster any painting skill so another no show for the INKTOBER!
(it doesn't help that the prompts are losing their appeal-it was chef...sigh!)

  I have high hopes for today!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Binding and Bungling!

I started the day with a determination to get the binding on the two finished quilts!  It was a good idea I had to pull this portable table next to me so that it would hold the weight of the quilt and reduce the hauling that sets my neck and shoulders into  fits!

It didn't take long before Lena hopped up to hold the quilt in place for me!  Cats!
The Autumn LeMoyne Stars quilt is ready to be donated--all crinkly soft and waiting to comfort! I love the look of this one-busy but so are leaves are a very blustery day!
The Ohio Star Kitties is also a done deal and it, too, looks good now that I am finished!
The Noah's Ark Hexagon is almost finished-it was a simple one that didn't required much brain power to knock it off.  I'm sure I will finish it today.
Yeah, this was a very sad moment.  I had the sock knitted up past the heel and started the ankle when I thought the area by the zig zags was narrower than when I began!  Oh, no.  Well, the mistake was way back at the toe when I had ripped it out the first time!  I just pulled it off the needles and ripped without stopping to think too much or I would've cried.  I have knit a pair almost already!
INKTOBER DAY 21--SLEEPING  Did I mention that I don't like verbs?  This is my tongue in cheek version of me sleeping in my room at night.....


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Taking a Good Gouge

The Sandhill Crane family still visit several times a day. 
 It is so nice to see their chick grown now to his parents' size and coloring.  
He will be on his own come Spring but for now they are still a happy family.
I played at the lathe on a new Camphor bowl.  
There sure was a lot of sawdust!  
It smells so good, I think it would be good in little sachets to keep away moths, too!
The bowl is just roughed out;  the end on the right is the bottom of the bowl 
and is now turned around on the lathe so I will begin hollowing out the bowl portion.
  I will then wait for the bowl to dry out a bit-it is full of water 
and needs to dry out so the final bowl will not crack and warp. 
 It was so relaxing to sweep away the waste wood to get it rounded out, 
that dinner was late! 
 I'm so happy to have the area and tools to work with wood!
A fantasy coral reef--I think it would be pretty painted on the wall on our pool!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...