Monday, January 4, 2021

A Monday Happens

The first finished pair of socks for the year!  
Bill's socks, size 15, knit in Static yarn from KnitPicks. 
 A number 1 needle was used over 72 stitches, toe-up with a gusset heel.

I worked at sanding and polishing the new bowl on the lathe yesterday;  
I will turn it and begin hollowing it today.
And another man-hat on the needles (short 16" needles)  
with a skein of hand paint Wool Ease yarn by Lion Brand,
 the colorway is S'mores 
but I don't see it! lol


  1. Very handsome socks! I think I have some Static in the stash. I think I bought some in green. I've really lost track. My yarn buying behavior has been off the charts lately.

  2. Nice finish! Thoe are mighty big socks and I bet you are happy to have them finished. So glad you are feeling well enough to make some things!

  3. That's a major achievement finishing things when you're feeling under par - those socks have a lovely warm and rich colourway (as does the hat).

  4. Maybe a s’mores that dropped into the ashes and got all black and sooty?! 🤣 Nice socks and bowl!

  5. Nice work on the big socks and toe-up no less! Maybe they were thinking of the s'mores where the marshmallow catches fire or as Marsel said? Love that bowl you're making!!

  6. I don't see smores either... but it is lovely.

  7. The wood you have in your shop is making the most beautiful objects - such gorgeous grains and colors.

  8. Nice socks and I'll bet your glad to have them done. I don't see s'mores either but I like the colors anyway. Maybe the name was a mistake?
    I'm glad you're feeling better. You must be to have all of those projects going.

  9. Hope you are feeling all better! Love the socks, can't wait to see the raw edge bowl!!! Happy doing anything you want because you feel better!!!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....