Thursday, January 21, 2021

Just a Day of Waiting

 What do you do if you have a day of medical appointments and have to do an incredible amount of waiting and waiting?  You knit.  One of a pair completed.  The color matched the sky over head when I walked outside between destinations!


  1. I used to get so much knitting done when I was taking Dad for his appointments. There is nothing better than reception room knitting in my opinion.

  2. Excellent use of time and a beautiful finish!

  3. Lovely sock! I need to learn to get all my appts in 1 day as opposed to 3 in the last 3 days. LOL

  4. It’s a pretty, lacy sock.Thankfully, I don’t have many medical appointments anymore, but earlier I did a lot of knitting while in waiting areas.

  5. I used to do the same but most of my appointments have been virtual lately.
    The sock is beautiful!

  6. Pretty sock! And the pattern is?

  7. Ooh, I really like that pattern.
    Socks are so perfect for waiting.

  8. Lovely couture, simple pattern, pretty sock.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.