Friday, January 29, 2021

Goldilocks is Quilting!

I felt like Goldilocks trying to find 'just the right size' of the blocks for the crosses!  First they were too big, then I made them too small (on the mid-left) and finally I settled on medium and they were just right!  I was able to rip out the old blocks and remake them with only a bit of fabric waste!  It just goes to show that on paper it might look right but in actuality, it can be quite different!  I'm on track now.

After lunch, I was itching for a project in the woodshop.  I wasn't feeling able to think at the lathe so I pulled out some boards for two shelves to go in my studio.  I will put some of the knick-knacks on them that had resided at the recently sold house.  I was able to rip these on the table saw, use the jig saw to round the edges and glue on the support braces.
One of the shelves is four inches longer than the other--they will be placed over the doorway-which is up very high so it will mean some ladder work, finding studs, and getting Bill to help me!
Last night, I tried to start a new colorwork pattern for mitts but the colors are too close in tone and the contrast of the pattern is lost!  I will rip it out and try something else!

First thing today, though, it is off to the doctor's to get some help for my eyes, they are still too painful-something is going on with them.  Sigh.  Too much fun.


  1. I agree that medium is the right size! Glad you caught it while it was still easily fixable. Sorry your eyes are still misbehaving!

  2. Your SAHRR is looking great! That mitten pattern is really beautiful. I'm sure you'll find the right contrast and get them going again in no time. Best wishes for your eye doctor appointment.

  3. Goldilocks quilting - great term!! the mid size ones do look so good!! and your lathe work - that still impresses me - I am not trusted with a butter knife... and look at you!! Hope your eyes get better - so sorry!

  4. Your quilt is so pretty and I think the new block size looks really nice as do your new shelves. I'm sorry to hear about your eyes still hurting. I'll be praying praying for you and that the doctor will figure it out this time.

  5. Nice work on your block! I'm still doing the piano keys.....


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.