Sunday, January 17, 2021

One Emptied and One Filled!

This is our 'second' property that has been recently sold--there are two more trailers and a garage and several sheds on these 3 acres.  This is the only home that has been occupied in the last decade.  It is a place of many happy memories for all of us.  It was where Bill's parents spent their winters and we visited them every Spring break.  When his Dad passed away and his Mom wasn't well, my parents began to come south for the winter and made arrangements to stay here.  It was a wonderful transition that lasted for almost 20 years.  Bill's parents bequeathed it to Bill.  We have loved this home for 40 years.
How pretty the sun lights it up at sunset each evening...
The old grapefruit tree died but the boys still like to climb it.  Bill will be cutting it down and I will make some bowls out of it, you can be sure of that!  We couldn't have emptied this home today just ourselves, if we had two weeks to do it--these guy were the game changer--they lifted furniture and loaded the trucks and hauled the loads from here to our house, which is only two miles away.  
I have so many boxes just like this to go through!  I will show you the filled portable garage tomorrow--I was too tired when we came in at the end of the day to remember a photo!
I will show you the beautiful Cassia blooms from the tree out front, at the yellow house, the train house;  we add you to the flood of memories we have.  It is time to let you go and make memories for another family.


  1. It is a sweet little house! I am sure someone will be very happy there. I can imagine how much work that was for you all. I had to do my parent's house not that long ago.

  2. It looks so tranquil, nestling there ... I am sure another family will love it, filled as it is with such happy memories. That can only augur well for them :).

  3. What a sweet house. I'm sure there are many emotions as you let it go to another family. I wish I had been the one to buy it. :-) Sunshine and warmth are in short supply here right now.
    I love the photo of the boys on the tree. How nice to have all of that help. Wishing you lots of love and support as you go through boxes. That won't be easy.

  4. It looks like a fun place to live. Nice to hear you had lots of help moving things. Looks like you have lots of sorting in your future, and I'll bet that will bring back plenty of memories, too. Take care.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....