Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Still in the Reno ' Mode

I have been doing so much Spring cleaning I haven't been able to unwind at the lathe.  I loaded up some more of the grapefruit tree and try to make another natural shaped bowl.
I do have to work with this flat side.  I am starting to work and just letting a design come to me.  It is very relaxing.
While I will work some more on the lathe, the main goal of the day is to make three shades for the family room and kitchen area.
 I treated myself to some fancy tulips when I had to be out and about for appts yesterday.  Very cheerful!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

It Took Too Long!

Yesterday, I decided to hang the two shelves I had cut and painted months ago.  I wanted to mount them on the wall in a manner called 'floating' shelves and watched YouTube to learn.  I did learn one thing--that it sure goes more quickly on a short video than it does in real life!  Everything went wrong and I made a lot of rookie mistakes.  
After several, uh, challenges,  I did try a method that kept the shelf on the wall so that I could put a few items actually on the shelf when I finished!
I used mollies and dowels as my method of hanging. 
 It did work out.  
but it was hard work to go up and down the ladder 20 kabillion times because I dropped every screw I tried to pick up!  I had to paint the replacement piece of wood so I covered the wall with paper and tape--it worked.
And 5 hours later, I had the shelf pretties arranged
 and declared it good!
Now it is a pleasant space over the doorway!
I did work outside, carrying in the things we had removed 
from the pool area so we could do the painting.  
This will be a good place to sit and relax!
There were 6 of the irises in bloom!  So pretty.
 And last night, I cast on a new summer sweater !  This yarn is cursed so I hope it will work for the sleeveless Summer Tee pattern by Berroco called Phillipa.  

Monday, March 29, 2021

Live Edge Bowl of Cedar

I applied myself and made a cedar bowl for my friend who gave me the fallen branch.  I even found a finish for the wood that sealed it without hiding the cedar smell!
(A beeswax!)  The bowl is 4" wide and 3" deep.
 I gave the bowl to her and the little bowl and saucer to her son at church yesterday--they both held it up to their noses for a good smell!   It's a bit washed out here, but the softness of the bark and the whole bowl feels good in the hands. 
 I do love working with wood--


Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Kinda Birthday!

Matthew came and finished the pool area-it did need two coats.  That wonderful sunshine takes its toll.
Nyki made sure she left her mark on his work!
Look who Matthew brought with him this time----they couldn't believe they had to wait for their swim!  
The day was very, vary warm so it was a long, hard wait for them but they were troopers!                                       

After the okay from Dad with instructions to keep splashing to a minimum, in they got!

As for the birthday reference, it was one year ago today that I collapsed from a reaction to the Copaxone shot I was given to slow down the MS lesions.  The shot caused my body to go into toxic shock;  I took an ambulance ride I do not remember, I have only a few memories of being in the ER and then pneumonia quickly set in which landed me in the ICU.  Covid was just raising its miseries and so I was allowed no visits.  I am very grateful for the regained strength today because for months I doubted being able to get out of bed and walk alone ever again! 

Life is precious and family and friends are our riches!  

Celebrate life with me today! 

 God is good--L'Chaim!


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Piecing and Patterns

I was eager to stitch up the HST's for Clue 4 for the QOV QAL!
All 48 blocks made in no time.
In no time at all, 
I had it all stitched up and put in the finished bag.
And then it was time to apply the binding 
to the tropical table runner!  
I made this the width of the fabric and 18" wide. 
 It was nice to see the picture in my mind work out perfectly!  
As long as I was in the studio, 
I drew out the pattern pieces for the bird house
 in cardboard for a template to use again and again.
Once the in-house chores were finished, 
I headed out with the new pattern pieces
 to begin on the bird house. 
 I sanded the pallet wood scraps,
so I could draw my pieces on the wood,
and then I cut them out using the scroll saw.
All of the pieces had their final sanding on the band sander. 
 (do you know if you hang a fingernail over the side
 of the board you are sanding 
that it will take that fingernail right down really quickly?!?!)
I had the pieces cut out and then sorted them for assembly.
But I couldn't for the life of me, cut the right angle for the roof--i
t measures at a 80* angle 
and I couldn't figure out how to cut it. 
 My attempts resulted in a shorter piece than I liked--
you've heard the 
"'I've cut it twice and it's still too short" joke, right? 
So I left it for another day....
it was time for pizza anyways.


Friday, March 26, 2021

Another Row

A friend had a branch fall from her cedar tree and she thought I might enjoy it.  Her young son asked for something real from it....
I cut the branch up into pieces and even split one that was already cracked-it had more damage inside.
I have only cut dried cedar and it wasn't fun.  I thought this branch would be easier to turn because it is still fresh but I was wrong-the wood is still hard to play with-it cracks easily and it is a bear to work with.  I made a little saucer and bowl for her son and am working on a little bowl for her but that is it--I'm over cedar!!!
Look at the Fringe Tree blossom!  It is about 10' across-it is very dry out so Bill is bringing a hose over to water this tree-it looks like it is struggling!
 I managed to finish painting the white shelving--it took several coats to look all better.  Now I have to cut and paint the shelf between the layers of shelving for a center rack--you will see what I mean when I do it and show you a picture.
I also finished the row I added to the sock scraps blanket---
Lena approves.
It is long enough to wrap under my feet and warm them up!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Outside Work

Look what other tree is in bloom!  
The Chinaberry tree which is what we call our Lilac tree 
because that is what it smells like!  
It was a beautiful day outside-no drizzles and lots of sunshine! 
 I painted the poolside tables after wire-brushing them.  
I ran out of white paint so I was stalled 
until I could pick up some more to finish the shelving rack.
That also needs a new piece of wood --
I will be finishing this today.
I also tried my hand at cutting up some pallets for the bird house project plans!  It worked out okay, if a bit messy and noisy!
But I did end up with a pallet's worth of boards
 all ready to be cut to size for a bird house.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Color is Applied!


Well, what a day of painting!  My friend, Summer, and I made quite the team.  We managed to paint the whole living room/kitchen area (23' x 13") in one day!
The new fabric I covered the cushioned insets on the bench are a perfect match!
The paint is by Behr, their top-of-the-line paint, Marquee, and it surpassed my expectations!  It really is a one coat coverage, goes on beautifully and cleans up great!  We will paint the dining room next week;  I can hardly wait!

I have been idling my knitting muscles by working on adding a row to my sock yarn scraps blanket.

And today for sure, that binding is going on the newest table runner!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Remember this idea for a table runner?!  Well, I dug it out yesterday and finished the stitching around each of the appliques.  Then before I could leave it in another pile, I put it right on the frame and quilted it up.
I did a bit of thread play, too, which was a fun accent.  
I will be putting the binding on first thing today 
so it will be able to be used! 
By then, my friend will be here to help me paint
 the living room/kitchen walls!  

Monday, March 22, 2021

A Day Off

When I have several (5 ) days in a row of goings, I tend to find myself at zero on the zip dial;  that is where I find myself today.  I will load up a quilt (I bought several quilt backings when out one of those days) to the frame and call it good.
I also bought this little decorative bird house.  I want to use the measurements so I can make my own from some of the pallet wood Bill got for me.  I love to build things.  Today, I will make up the blueprints for it.  My hands are hurting so badly, I am even taking a break from knitting and that rarely happens!  A day off is just what I need!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...