Friday, May 14, 2021

And Blink They are Gone!

I had to say goodbye  to daughter and family already but it sure was a huge blessing for them to squeeze in a visit to us before the surgery, etc, that is going to be their focus for the months ahead!  I have some beautiful reminders of the visit--I don't know how she squeezed these things into the van but they did!  this is a ceramic garden decoration-about 18" tall.
A Thunbergia plant with trellis-
she knows how much I love orange flowers!
Two large branches from their Oak tree that was removed will be a good wood to try-we have Live Oak so it will be different-or maybe not;  I will get to try it out on the lathe soon!
A friend of theirs had to have this Japanese Red Maple removed and so I have a 36" piece of that to play with also!  
And Marsel has a new sewing room so she has cleaned out fabrics (plus a ton had recently been donated to her and I have some of that!) and brought me a box of goodies to sort through!  It will help with the lonely feelings 
that might creep in in the weeks to come!
And finally in light of friday felines--here is a pic Marsel took of Nyki--I can never get a clear pic of her facial features and she has her perfectly here--Nyki will miss all of the extra laps she tested out all week! lol



  1. We miss you so much already but are so thankful for our time together! Looking forward to next time! Love you.

  2. Oh my - she really did fit a ton of great things in there!! Can't wait to see what you do with the wood - that will be beautiful!! Enjoy!! and so glad for all the good memories!

  3. These long awaited reunions sure make the goodbyes even harder. She sure stuffed that van with the coolest stuff!

  4. Nice presents from your family - they know you well! Using them will bring such joy to you (and happy memories).

  5. Your visit sounds wonderful and I am so glad you were able to be together. Please keep us up to speed on the surgery.. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Nyki is a perfect little panther. I'm glad you had a nice time with the family.
    Dave and I get our first vaccinations tomorrow so there is light at the end of this tunnel!

  7. I went back and read about your family visit. It looks just lovely. And I'm so impressed with your first grandson. I was born with a significant hearing loss, so I have great admiration for what he has adjusted to.
    It's nice that they left behind some goodies to help with the loneliness!

  8. What wonderful presents! Perfect for a crafter of all the things.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....